But it’s worth it.” The owners say that Colonel Meow is enjoying the Guinness recognition and being featured in the forthcoming Guinness World Records 2014 edition. Anne Marie said, “I have a lint roller in my car, in my bedroom, on my nightstand, in the kitchen, like we have one everywhere because his hair gets everywhere. They only apply water and brush his hair when dirty, but it takes both of them brushing 2 to 3 times a week to groom the furry feline. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. T-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more, designed and sold by independent artists around the world. Anne Marie and Eric adopted the record holder from the Himalayan & Persian Society rescue and say that they never use products on Colonel Meow’s fur. High quality Cats Salute-inspired gifts and merchandise. Originally from Seattle, Washington, Colonel Meow and his family, Avey and Eric Rosario, are now living in Los Angeles, CA. He’s on Facebook, and Instagram, and he tweets all the time, and we have the Tumblr account, and he has his own personal website where he has a point of view from Colonel Meow about the news.” His owner Anne Marie Avey said, “He has a huge following.

Even before the record verification, Colonel Meow enjoyed internet fame. Three independent veterinarians took the average measurement of 10 hairs on the hirsute cat, and the evidence was sent to Guinness officials for verification. The Colonel is a 2-year-old Himalayan-Persian cross-breed with fur that extends 22.87cm (9 inches). Colonel Meow has been officially crowned as the Guinness World Records’ cat with the longest fur.