Also worthy of mention, the name brand pie fillings such as William Sonoma and Cracker Barrel are terrific if you can find them. I enjoyed name brands from the east coast for the blueberry filling, but the store brand for the apple and cherry filling was pretty dang good. So finally I began to play with canned and jarred pie fillings, trying different brands until I found a winner. In short- it can’t contain water, which homemade pie filling surely contains in the form of fresh fruit juices. The fruit filling needs to be a dry jelly to maintain the structural integrity during baking. The fresh fruit weeps and destroys the design. This recipe took a little longer to hack (because I was committed to making it from scratch), but after 5 failed pies I discovered that homemade pie filling will not work. Well, I never did track down the original author, so as promised, I whipped up a new recipe that we could all enjoy.

Who wouldn’t?! It’s adorable! I started referring to it as Texas Pie and thus it shall be named forevermore. If you follow me on social media you know that I came across a photo of this pie on a Texas women’s group on facebook around Thanksgiving, and promptly fell in love. I’m super thrilled to finally reveal this recipe, so grab a cup of coffee and get in this kitchen!